Signs You May Need to Get New Veneers By drednarcisi on April 01, 2024

women with attractive smilesFew people enjoy an unblemished smile. When cosmetic flaws become a distraction that detracts from the smile’s beauty, porcelain veneers can help. Veneers conceal a wide range of cosmetic flaws to completely transform the smile. Veneers are long-lasting restorations but they do not usually last a patient’s lifespan.

Recognizing when to get new veneers is essential to preserving the health of natural teeth beneath the restorations. Here, Dr. Edward Narcisi of the Center for Dental Excellence discusses indications veneers need replacement and prepares his Monroeville, PA, and Pittsburgh, PA, patients for what to expect during veneers replacement.

Average Veneers Lifespan

Dr. Narcisi places porcelain veneers that are attractive and durable. Porcelain veneers can withstand the force of biting and chewing to provide long-term strength and function. While proper care ensures veneers will last for many years, they eventually wear down or become damaged. On average, patients can expect veneers to last 10 to 15 years.

Signs it’s Time for Veneers Replacement

Damaged veneers expose the underlying teeth to bacteria that can cause decay, infection, or other dental problems. Recognizing signs of veneers damage and other indicators that veneer replacement is necessary is vital to preserving the health and beauty of the smile. Some of the most common signs it’s time for veneers replacement include structural damage, periodontal pockets, dental damage, and aesthetic flaws.

Structural Damage

Structural damage is one of the most common reasons for veneers replacement. Just like the natural teeth, veneers wear down over time. Continual exposure to the force of biting and chewing gradually weakens veneers materials. As veneers age, they are susceptible to structural damage such as chips, cracks, and fractures.

Periodontal Pockets

Good oral hygiene habits, like regular brushing and flossing, remain essential after porcelain veneer treatment. Poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease, an infection of the gum tissues. Gum disease causes many symptoms, including gum recession. As gums recede, they pull away from the teeth (and veneers) and create pockets of space at the gum line. Periodontal pockets are a sign that veneers require removal and replacement after appropriate periodontal treatment.

Dental Damage

Poor oral hygiene habits can also cause dental problems, like decay and root canal infections. Decay and infections are especially likely when veneers are worn down or damaged because they create small openings that allow bacteria to reach the underlying teeth. When dental damage develops, veneers must be removed and replaced after appropriate restorative dentistry treatment.

Aesthetic Flaws

Porcelain veneers are attractive restorations that reflect the light like natural teeth. Veneer material resists stains to ensure long-lasting beauty. Still, veneers may develop stains or other aesthetic flaws over time. Veneers do not respond to teeth whitening treatment like natural teeth, so replacement is the best solution for aesthetically flawed veneers.

The Replacement Procedure

People sometimes hesitate to replace veneers because they worry about the replacement procedure. Veneers replacement at our Pittsburgh dental practice is a straightforward procedure nearly identical to the initial treatment. Dr. Narcisi removes the old veneer, cleans the tooth of bonding material, and takes impressions to design the new veneer. Upon completion, Dr. Narcisi bonds the veneer to the tooth with a tooth-colored compound.

Contact Us

Replacing damaged veneers allows patients to preserve oral health and restore the smile’s beauty. If you notice signs that veneers replacement is necessary, Dr. Edward Narcisi can customize a treatment plan. To get started, contact our dental practice and schedule an appointment.

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Dr. Edward Narcisi, DMD

Edward Narcisi, DMD

Dr. Narcisi is devoted to helping patients achieve stunning, healthy smiles through comprehensive dental care. He is a member of many prestigious associations, including: 

  • American Dental Association
  • Pennsylvania Dental Association
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 
  • Academy of Osseointegration 

To schedule a consultation at the Center for Dental Excellence, request an appointment online or call us at (412) 373-9447.

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