Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

Dental Crown Lifespan

Nov 30, 2021 @ 01:15 PM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Dental Crowns

When a tooth is injured, infected, or decayed, it can cause pain that makes biting, chewing, and speaking difficult. The most common treatment for badly damaged teeth is dental crowns. Dental crowns surround the core of a tooth to protect it, while restoring its strength, health, and aesthetics.

Dental crowns are made of strong materials that are meant to withstand regular biting and chewing, but they are susceptible to damage over time. Dr. Edward Narcisi prepares his Monroeville and Pittsburgh, PA, patients for the average dental crown lifespan, and offers care tips that protect these restorations so that they last as long as possible.

How Long Will My Dental Crown Last?

There are several different factors that affect the lifespan of a dental crown, so it is impossible to tell someone exactly how long their crown will last. The dental crown lifespan depends on factors such as:

Taking all of these factors into account, the average lifespan of a dental crown is around 10 years. However, with proper dental crown aftercare, our Monroeville patients can prolong the lifespan of their dental crown to 20 years or more.

Prolonging the Dental Crown Lifespan

Dental crowns are not vulnerable to infection or decay like the natural teeth, but they can become damaged or worn down. While some degree of wear and tear is inevitable, there are steps that dental crown patients can take to protect and preserve their restorations, and prolong their lifespan. We advise these dental crown aftercare practices:

What Happens If My Dental Crown Is Damaged?

Even with the best dental practices, a dental crown will eventually wear down. As dental crowns weaken or become damaged, they expose the underlying natural tooth structure, leaving it vulnerable to infection. To prevent further dental complications, it is important to replace a damaged dental crown as soon as possible.

Dental crowns can be replaced fairly easily. The replacement procedure is actually very similar to the initial treatment. To replace a crown, the damaged crown is removed and the underlying tooth is cleaned. If necessary, additional reshaping is done. Dental impressions are taken to fabricate the new dental crown, and when it is complete, it is bonded to the tooth with a tooth-colored dental compound.

Get In Touch

If you are suffering from an oral injury or advanced tooth decay, you are likely a good candidate for dental crown treatment. To find out how a dental crown can restore the strength and beauty of your smile, contact our dental office online, or call (412) 373-9447 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Narcisi.