Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

Address Tooth Loss with Partial Dentures

Mar 11, 2021 @ 09:32 PM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Partial Dentures

Tooth loss is one of the most threatening dental complications, and unfortunately, it is much more common than most people realize. Tooth loss is a particular risk as people age, because the teeth, gums, and jaw naturally weaken as the body gets older. Tooth loss not only compromises the appearance of the smile, but it also impacts oral functions.

When tooth loss has affected the smile, Dr. Edward Narcisi can offer his Monroeville, PA, dental patients dentures. Dentures fill in gaps of missing teeth to restore oral health, functions, and aesthetics. Partial dentures can replace one or more missing teeth from either the upper or lower arch. Here we’ll talk about about partial dentures and the benefits they provide.

Partial Dentures Treatment

Partial dentures are able to address tooth loss and rebuild the smile in a matter of weeks. Prior to starting treatment, patients must undergo a consultation to determine if partial dentures are right for them. Partial dentures are suitable for tooth loss that is isolated to one area of the mouth, or tooth loss that is spread throughout an arch of teeth. For this reason, most patients are ideal candidates for partial dentures.

To ensure that partial dentures fit properly, we customize them for each patient. We design the size, shape, and color of the dentures so they complement the smile and blend in seamlessly with the natural teeth. We then take molds of the mouth and use those impressions to create a restoration that fits comfortably and securely.

How Do Partial Dentures Stay in Place?

Traditionally, partial dentures sit atop a plastic base, which resembles the gumline, and a metal wire structure. The metal wire has small hooks on either end of the denture that wrap around the natural teeth to help hold the restoration in place. For added security, patients can use an over-the-counter denture adhesive. Although traditional partial dentures are removable, they should fit comfortably and securely, so that our Monroeville patients feel confident laughing, smiling, and talking with others.

If patients want to benefit from even greater stability, they can consider an implant-supported denture. Implant-supported dentures are supported by a series of dental implants, which are surgically placed in the jaw. Dental implants are more costly than traditional dentures, and the treatment process is lengthier, but they make partial dentures a permanent part of the smile, so they never shift or slip out of place.

Can I Eat While Wearing Partial Dentures?

Whether our Monroeville patients have a traditional partial denture or implant-supported dentures, they can eat with the restoration in place. In the case of traditional partial dentures, it can take a while for patients to adjust to how the denture feels, and to get used to biting and chewing with the restoration. We recommend that patients start with soft foods and then gradually resume their usual diet, taking care to chew slowly and use both sides of the mouth for breaking down food. It is also a good idea to avoid foods that are especially hard, chewy, or sticky when wearing a partial denture.

Benefits of Partial Dentures 

Partial dentures rebuild the smile so that people can comfortably resume oral functions. Furthermore, partial dentures distribute the force of the bite and support adjacent teeth to prevent shifting or deterioration. Overall, these dental appliances restore the health, strength, and beauty of the smile, and prevent further complications from developing after tooth loss.

Contact Our Dental Team

If you have suffered tooth loss, Dr. Edward Narcisi can help you explore restorative dentistry treatments to rebuild your smile. To learn more about partial dentures and the other tooth loss treatments offered at our dental practice, contact us online or call (412) 373-9447 to schedule an appointment.