Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

Dental Care for Seniors

Oct 29, 2017 @ 12:00 PM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

At the Center for Dental Excellence, we treat patients of all ages, including seniors. Dr. Edward Narcisi and our team recognize that certain dental conditions are more prevalent among senior patients, whether due to the aging process or health conditions that make it more difficult to care for the teeth. During senior dental exams, we will identify dental problems that require treatment, and then recommend the appropriate restorative dentistry treatment to bring the teeth and gums back into good health.

What Can Lead to Poor Dental Health in Seniors?

The following issues can lead to an increase in oral health problems:

Dental Conditions that Commonly Affect Seniors

Some of the dental conditions that are more common among senior patients include:

Dental Treatment for Seniors

If you have developed any of the dental conditions that affect seniors, we will perform restorative dentistry treatment to improve your oral health. Restorations such as dental fillings and crowns can be used to treat cavities, root canal infections, and tooth erosion.

Periodontal treatments such as root planing and scaling can be performed to stop gum disease and gum recession. In more serious cases, treatments such as a gum graft may need to be performed.

For patients with missing teeth, dental implants are the best solution. Dental implants are placed within the jaw, and then attached to restorations such as a crown, bridge, or denture to replace the missing teeth. A traditional bridge or denture can also be used to replace missing teeth.

To undergo treatment with a practice that is experienced in offering dental care for seniors, contact the Center for Dental Excellence today.