Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

I Have a Sore Tooth: Do I Need to See My Dentist?

Nov 16, 2023 @ 03:07 PM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: General Dentistry

Notice pain or discomfort when biting, chewing, or drinking hot or cold beverages? A sore tooth isn’t something to immediately write off. If you’ve been noticing persistent pain or discomfort around one or more of your teeth, you need to see a dentist.

When you come to see Dr. Edward Narcisi at his dental office in Monroeville, PA, he’ll make sure your problems are dealt with promptly and properly diagnosed.

A Toothache Could Be a Warning Sign

Remember that pain is your body telling you that something is wrong. Don’t disregard any warning signs of a potential problem.

Potential Causes of Your Toothache

A painful tooth could indicate all kinds of problems. Below are just a few possibilities.

You Have a Fractured Tooth

If you were in an accident, fell, or were hit in some way, it could damage a tooth. It’s important to get a broken tooth fixed as soon as possible.

You Have a Bad Cavity

Poor oral hygiene increases the chances of a severe cavity that can be quite painful. Acidic erosion of the tooth enamel can also cause this issue.

You Have a Root Canal Infection

A root canal infection occurs when bacteria reaches the inner chamber of a tooth. This may be due to a fracture or tooth decay. If you don’t get endodontic treatment, the infection could spread.

You Grind Your Teeth at Night

Teeth grinding (bruxism) puts a lot of stress on your teeth and your jaw. This may contribute to tooth pain or soreness in the morning that lingers through the day.

You Have a TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorders (or TMD) affect the jaw joint. It means that there is some dysfunction in the movement of the jaw. This could cause pain to radiate to your molars.

Your Teeth Are Sensitive

You might have sensitive teeth due to weakened tooth enamel, which is a sign that you need professional dental care. Teeth can also be sensitive if you’ve been bleaching them at home a lot.

You Have Gum Disease

Your gums aren’t your teeth, but advanced periodontal disease could lead to gum recession. This exposes more of your tooth’s structure that should be covered up by the gumline.

You May Have a Serious Health Issue

If you have tooth pain that accompanies a bump or lesion on the gumline, you need to have it checked out as soon as possible. This could be an indication of a dental abscess or the first signs of oral cancer.

Rest Assured: Relief Is Available

Whatever problem you may be facing, it can be addressed by visiting our office in Monroeville. During your visit, we can carefully examine your symptoms and discuss what you’ve noticed about your oral health. We’ll run tests and help determine what you’re facing.

Once we’ve diagnosed the problem, we’ll develop a custom treatment plan that addresses your needs. We can also review the cost of care with you before moving forward with treatment so you can budget accordingly and weigh your options.

Contact the Center for Dental Excellence

Get help and find relief. To request an appointment, contact our dentistry practice in Monroeville. We’re ready to stop the pain.