Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

Common Procedures in a Smile Makeover

Feb 15, 2018 @ 06:01 AM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Smile Makeover Cosmetic Dentistry Common Procedure In Smile Makeover

You attend every dental visit without fail. You never skip flossing. Even though you have healthy teeth and gums, there are still a few aesthetic components you wish you could change about your smile. At the Center for Dental Excellence in Pittsburgh, PA, Dr. Edward Narcisi can provide a smile makeover to deliver dramatic results. Though each plan is individually tailored, there are some common procedures in a smile makeover. The journey to a dazzling smile may be closer than you think.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

One of the simplest things you can do to improve the appearance of your smile is to eliminate old amalgam fillings. These traditional restorations were the mainstay in restorative dentistry decades ago but have now been largely replaced by tooth-colored restorations. In fact, many of our patients choose to have their old amalgam fillings replaced with this more aesthetically pleasing option.

Dental Bonding

If you have chips, discoloration, or other minor cosmetic flaws, dental bonding is a simple way to conceal the imperfections. Bonding involves the application of a composite resin material, similar to what is used for a tooth-colored filling. The strategic application of this material can change the width, length, or shape of a tooth for a more uniform, balanced smile.

Porcelain Veneers

When cosmetic imperfections are too complex to be repaired with dental bonding, porcelain veneers are an excellent option. Veneers are custom-made, ultra-thin restorations, and are affixed to the front surfaces of the teeth. Like bonding, they camouflage chips, hairline fractures, and discoloration. In some cases, veneers can even make teeth appear straighter.

Dental Crowns

A common treatment in restorative dentistry, dental crowns also offer a cosmetic benefit as well. Like veneers, they are custom-crafted to blend in with the surrounding teeth. However, a crown covers the entire surface of a tooth rather than simply the front side. This is an excellent option for a weakened tooth, or one that has been damaged by decay or a fracture.

Personalized Treatment for Optimal Results

Each and every patient who walks through our door is unique, with their own set of goals in mind. For that reason, no two smile makeover procedures will be the same. Each individual’s treatment will be custom-designed for personalized results. During your initial consultation, Dr. Narcisi will listen to your concerns and help you determine the appropriate steps for your treatment. We will also discuss any prerequisite treatment you require, such as periodontal care or the replacement of missing teeth. Additionally, procedures can be completed at your convenience. While some patients choose to have all of their work performed at once, many decide to phase out their treatment over several weeks or months.

Schedule Your Smile Makeover Today

If you are looking to add brilliance and dazzle to your appearance, a smile makeover could be the solution for you. To find out if you are a candidate and learn more about treatment costs, schedule an appointment with Dr. Narcisi today. You can call the office or contact us online anytime.