Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

Preventing Dental Damage from Dry Mouth

Sep 1, 2016 @ 12:00 PM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Dry Mouth Bad Breath Restorative Dentistry

Many people live with an uncomfortable, dry, sticky feeling in the mouth. While a dry mouth doesn’t feel pleasant, few realize just how serious this condition can be. When the mouth consistently lacks sufficient saliva, it can increase the risk of oral health problems. Dr. Edward Narcisi regularly sees patients with dry mouth and dental damage at his Pittsburgh, PA dental practice. General dentistry services, such as routine dental exams and cleanings, help patients with dry mouth keep the teeth and gums clean so that dental complications do not develop. In addition to these services, Dr. Narcisi also offers a full range of restorative dentistry treatments so that patients who suffer from dry mouth can repair any damage that has occurred.

Why Is Saliva So Important?

Most people don’t really give much consideration to their saliva, but did you know that saliva actually serves an important purpose? It’s not until the mouth lacks saliva that people realize just how helpful saliva is. Saliva keeps the mouth moist, makes it easier to break down foods, and keeps patients comfortable when swallowing. When a person lacks sufficient saliva, the mouth and throat are likely to feel dry, and eating becomes a lot less comfortable.

Aside from assisting in oral functions, saliva is a person’s greatest natural defense against bacteria that tend to multiply around the teeth and gums. Saliva helps to rinse bacteria and food particles away, serving as a natural cleanser in between brushing and flossing.

Dental Damage Due to Dry Mouth

It is clear that saliva serves an important purpose. Patients with persistent dry mouth are far more likely to suffer from dental damage. Below are some of the most common dangers of dry mouth:

Preventing Dental Damage from Dry Mouth

People with dry mouth do not have to continue to suffer. There are several habits that patients can practice to increase saliva production, and decrease the risk of dental damage. Dr. Narcisi can discuss a specific treatment plan that is most appropriate for each patient. In addition, patients can practice the following tips:

Treating Dental Damage

In many cases, dental damage has already developed by the time dry mouth is diagnosed. Patients can undergo restorative dentistry treatment with Dr. Narcisi to restore oral health and prevent more serious complications from developing. Dr. Narcisi offers a full range of restorative dentistry treatments, including dental fillings and dental implants, so he can treat all cases of dental damage, whether minor or severe.

Schedule an Appointment

If your mouth feels dry and sticky, you may be suffering from dry mouth, a condition that can seriously impact your oral health. To learn more about dry mouth, and how it can be treated, schedule an appointment with Dr. Edward Narcisi at your earliest convenience.