Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

Is a Root Canal the Right General Dentistry Treatment?

Jul 1, 2015 @ 08:15 AM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Root Canal Restorative Dentistry

Root canal therapy is an effective general dentistry treatment. In many cases, it may be the only way to save a severely damaged tooth. Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is far more comfortable than you might think. In fact, most people experience little more than a mild sense of pressure during the treatment. Nevertheless, it does involve more alteration of your tooth than other restorative treatments. For root canal candidates at our Pittsburgh practice, Dr. Narcisi always begins with the most conservative option. First, he will carefully evaluate your tooth to determine the most appropriate treatment. Then he will provide gentle, minimal discomfort treatment to restore functionality and repair your smile.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Dr. Narcisi will most frequently recommend a root canal to treat an infected tooth. Before the procedure begins, he will numb your tooth and surrounding gums. Then he will create a small access chamber in your tooth, through which he will remove any bacteria and the infected inner pulp. If needed, he can also treat your tooth with an anti-bacterial solution. Then he will clean out and reshape your root canals. After these initial steps, Dr. Narcisi will fill your tooth and root canals with gutta percha. This rubber-like substance will prevent bacteria from reentering your tooth. To fully restore your dental function, he will reshape your tooth and place a dental crown. Like all of our dental restorations, your crown will be a near-perfect match to your other teeth.

How Can Endodontic Treatment Save Your Smile?

Root canal therapy can save even seriously compromised teeth. Without proper care, dental infection can damage your tooth, and you might eventually require extraction. In some cases, the bacteria could travel to your other teeth, your gums, and even your jawbone. Like some patients, you may wonder about the benefits of root canal therapy over extraction. While a root canal is more involved than other treatments, it is less invasive than tooth removal and subsequent restoration. Additionally, although we provide durable restorations, your natural tooth will still be stronger.

Infection is the most common reason for root canal therapy, but you might also benefit from the treatment if you have a cracked tooth. If the crack extends down into the pulp of your tooth, bacteria may be allowed to enter the root canals. By removing all signs of infection and filling the root canals with gutta percha, we can preserve the remainder of the tooth.

Signs That You May Need Root Canal Therapy

If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms, root canal therapy may be the right treatment for you.

Of course, a professional evaluation is the only way to diagnose a root canal infection. Dr. Narcisi will examine your tooth and take x-rays to check the health of your teeth.

Schedule a Consultation Today

To eliminate your discomfort and save your tooth, contact the Center for Dental Excellence today.