Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

Dental Crowns Benefits and Risks

Aug 27, 2011 @ 11:46 AM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Dental Crowns Inlays Onlays Porcelain Veneers

Damage to a tooth can come in many different forms, some more severe than others. When you have a regular cavity, for instance, the best option to deal with that cavity is a dental filling. More substantial tooth damage or tooth decay requires a more substantial solution, however. It’s for that reason that we offer patients a whole host of treatment options at our cosmetic dentistry practice. When you discuss these issues with Pittsburgh cosmetic dentist Dr. Edward Narcisi, he will perform a comprehensive examination to ensure that your needs are well met.

About Dental Crowns

One option that may be on the table if you have extremely severe dental problems with decay or damage is dental crowns. Pittsburgh dental crowns are caps that fit right over the damaged or decayed tooth. There are many different advantages and disadvantages to getting dental crowns, however. These will be considered in great detail when you meet with Dr. Narcisi, and he will be sure to let you know what the treatment involves so you can make an informed decision about your dental health. We’d like to take a moment right now to go over the basic benefits and risks of dental crowns, presenting a few alternative treatments that may better meet your needs.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Let’s start with the benefits. One of the biggest benefits of dental crowns is that they restore the structure, strength, and overall functionality of your teeth. Teeth that are severely damaged or decayed can be brittle, weakened, or unable to chew properly. When a dental crown is placed, your tooth will be restored in such a way that its overall structure and bite strength will be solid once more. In addition to this, any pain or tooth sensitivity associated with the damage or decay will be greatly reduced or eliminated by the dental crown.

Another advantage is aesthetic. The dental crown can be crafted from a sturdy porcelain ceramic material, mimicking the appearance of a natural tooth and blending it seamlessly with your smile. This means you get the health benefits of restorative dentistry combined with the aesthetic enhancement of cosmetic dentistry.

Risks of Dental Crowns

There are a few risks associated with dental crowns, however. The main risk is unnecessary trauma to the affected tooth. When you get a dental crown placed, the tooth must first be prepared for the dental crown. This will involve the removal of damaged tooth structure as well as some healthy tooth structure. Ideally you want as little natural tooth structure removed as possible as doing so can prevent other dental problems down the road.

Altertnatives to Consider

In some cases Dr. Narcisi will recommend other treatments as alternatives to dental crowns to avoid causing potential trauma to the tooth. If the dental problem is predominantly aesthetic and only affects the frontal portion of the tooth, then Pittsburgh porcelain veneers may be a good option. For other types of decay, you may best be served by getting inlays or onlays, which are similar to larger dental fillings, essentially. All of these decisions will need to be made at the office, however, since such diagnoses cannot possible be made online.

To learn more about your options for dental care treatment, be sure to contact the office of Dr. Narcisi today. We look forward to hearing from you.